Carolyn Mitchell PLA collaborates with other professionals on a wide variety of historic preservation and compliance projects including Environmental Assessments, Visual Impact Assessments, Cultural Landscape Reports and Inventories and preservation and rehabilitation treatment plans. She documents and evaluates the character defining features of landscapes and provides treatment recommendations, interpretation, and detailed rehabilitation design. The impact of climate change on historic resources is an area of special focus. ​​​​​​​

Angel Mounds State Historic Site Cultural Landscape Report

Image credit: Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites

​​​​​​​Carolyn is collaborating with Liz Sargent HLA to prepare a cultural landscape report for Angel Mounds State Historic Site. The site includes the archeological remains of a Mississippian town on the Ohio River near Evansville, Indiana dating from c800-1250 CE. Angel Mounds is a sacred site to the Quapaw Nation and holds significance for many Indigenous peoples displaced from ancestral lands along the Ohio River during the expansion of American settlement. The Cultural Landscape Report will help the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites provide more accurate and authentic stewardship of the site with tribal support and guidance.

Pecos National Historical Park Cultural Landscape Inventory 

Glorieta Pass, Upper Pecos River Valley. Image credit: Carolyn Mitchell PLA

Carolyn is collaborating with Liz Sargent HLA on a Cultural Landscape Inventory for Pecos National Historical Park covering the Puebloan period of significance from the earliest Indigenous migration into the valley through current traditional cultural uses. Pecos Pueblo occupied a strategic position at Glorieta Pass between the Great Plains and the Rio Grande Valley until the early 20th century when the Pueblo merged with the Jemez Pueblo. The descendent community members maintain deep connections with the landscape. 
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